Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Whew! What a morning! And Afternoon!

Monday is Preschool Storytime at the liberry! Usually we have 19, 23, 12 people, that's parents, grandparents and the wee little ones. Today we had 59!! That's 31 children, from cradle to 6 years old and 28 moms, dads, grandmoms and even one nanny!! And boy was it wild and crazy! I think this liberry is going to have to have another storytime session. I don't think I can handle 59 people every week!

After lunch, my colleague informed me that a Mr. Crankypants was going to come into the liberry for help to edit his Craigslist listing. Mr. Crankypants was angry for lots of reasons. First thing making Mr. Crankypants cranky, his usual liberry closed unexpectedly for plumbing repairs. Second reason making him crankier, his usual liberry didn't change their phone message when they closed so the message was giving out wrong info. Third reason that made Crankypants crankiest was, he had to drive out of his way to come to my liberry (8 min. and 3 miles tops). Fourth thing making him most cranky was there someone at the liberry who could "help him edit"="meaning do it for him" because he didn't know how. *groan* I was not looking forward to Mr. Crankypants coming. When he arrived, Mr. Crankypants was abrupt, and kinda mean, didn't know how to access his Craigslist, and was indeed downright cranky. I helped him, and about 3 other people at the same time. He got his posting changed. By the time he left, he wasn't so cranky anymore, AND I think I had him eating right out of my hand.... ahhh the finesse of a good liberrian...

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