Thursday, September 22, 2011

And just what did you mean by that???

I got so defensive today, this customer really managed to get my hackles got up. The customer had been looking through the catalog and then he said: I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS LIBERRY HAS NO BOOKS ON THIS TOPIC (viewing the fall colors in the mountains)! I say: NONE?? He says: NOT A ONE. He says: BARNES AND NOBLE HAS HUNDREDS OF BOOKS ON THIS TOPIC. I say: ARE YOU SURE? He says: YES, OF COURSE, THEY HAVE TONS AND TONS OF BOOKS ON THIS TOPIC. So I don't go look in Barnes & Noble website to see if what he says is true, I go to Amazon website to see...There is only ONE book listed on his topic. ONE!!! If Amazon has ONE book on a topic, how in the world can Barnes & Noble have HUNDREDS??? I took him over to the section where we have hiking books and day trips around our state and he browsed there for a bit. After all that, he did check out a nice little stack of liberry books. I guess we aren't so bad after all.

Later on I did look on Barnes & Noble's website to see what they had on this topic and I didn't see any at all!